CWP Development Update, May 2022

I’ve missed a couple of development blogs recently, but it’s not because progress on the game has stalled. In fact, it’s the opposite: there’s been a substantial amount of work going on, and there hasn’t been time to write more updates. Let’s take a look at some of the big things we’ve shown off lately, and then get back into some new development details.

Getting the word out

In April we launched the Steam page. That was followed by our reveal trailer, which contains the first video footage we’ve ever shown of the game:

We also put out a road map explaining what’s left to finish before the game is officially released. This will include a closed beta and a public demo, so you’ll have a chance to try the game before it comes out.


The artificial intelligence for the game, which has taken up a substantial chunk of the development time in 2022, is more or less complete at this point, aside from bug fixes and balancing. That was the last really big task that remained; everything that’s left will be much less work.

The game also generates random events now. These can be good things (like a wrestler whose stats are boosted because they’re excited about getting married) or bad things (like an injury sustained during training).

Now that the AI is done and the AI wrestling companies are properly managed in the game, there are some new screens where you can look up info on your rivals, like this one:

Next up, we’re planning to put out some more videos showing how the game plays in more detail. First up will be a video running through a full show being booked. Keep an eye on our Youtube channel if you’re looking to see that kind of footage.

As for the game proper, most of what’s left to do is balance, bug fixing, and content. There are a few things in the game that need to be re-worked to better fit in with how the game has evolved over time, but the amount of code that needs to be written before the game is finished is rapidly diminishing. The finish line is still several months out, but it’s starting to come into sight over the horizon.